Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sorry about the lack of communication.

I picked up a virus on the flight from LA to London & got sick the day I left for TZ (June 8th) with a bronchial infection which began with the sore/dry throat the morning I left. No sleep on the 'plane, but I had the foresight to load up on Ricola's which helped.

Immigration in Dar was a nightmare filled out forms, passports were taken & thrown onto a pile, then handed back after being rubber stamped it took 1/2 hr, fast I suppose by their standards! Transport from The Golden Tulip Hotel which I booked on line was there, it took an hour to get there due to traffic congestion. Fumes belched out, hawkers in the road, a moped carrying 2 army guys one with an AK 47 welcome to TZ! I felt really ill by that time, thank god I had a handkerchief which I dabbed with eucalyptus part of my traveling arsenal in these parts!

It was nice from the outside, lovely location on a bluff overlooking the ocean. Filthy carpets inside, musty smelling too. I had a small ocean view from the balcony, there was an infinity swimming pool overlooking the ocean which I longed to use but couldn't. I ate lunch on a patio with a view of the ocean & the city of Dar in the background. I recognized Oyster Bay beach not far away, where used to take the kids when they were 2 & 4 yrs old. I also spotted Bagamoyo rd where we lived in '69 as we drove by in the taxi , so some nostalgia..

I took a nap intending to get up but didn't I felt too sick, it rained all afternoon, the hotel was practically deserted so nice & quiet. Didn't sleep well woke up every 2 hrs, then every hr coughing, but the bed was comfortable firm mattress & king size so I could thrash around!!. Got up at 4am to take the 7:30am flight to Tabora.

The Bishop & a small entourage greeted me there!! At my request I was taken to a clinic set up by the former Bishop Ntiruka & run by a German/Brit Dr Ruth whom I had met last time I was here. An African Dr. attended & spoke to Ruth over the 'phone, my blood pressure was very high & wheezing was heard in my lungs. Upshot was anti-biotics, codeine, cough syrup & 15 mins of breathing something from a vapourizer to clear the lungs. Anyway I got it managed before it got worse & turned into full blown bronchitis.

Back to the Tabora Orion hotel & bed at 2:30pm for the rest of the day/evening, no trouble falling asleep, even with the sound of turkeys gobbling in a field near my window! There are also grey parrots & other birds in a big cage chirping away! I'm still under the weather but hope to feel much better by the w/e.

Just got back from a road trip 8k to Kwihala Village, we picked up the survey team on the way they are searching for signs of water. I visited the location of catchment tank at the school, kids are all out for holidays. Needing bathroom is always a challenge for me due to massive water consumption & copious cups of tea! I used the school latrines just a shed with concrete floor & a small hole least it had a door! Africans go all day without drinking, in fact I noted that the surveyors didn't take any water with them, & they're there during the hottest time of day.

That's it for now, more later, going for a lunchtime cuppa instead of lunch another African tradition! I'll have some photos to send later.

Report of Kwihala Water Project under the Carina Water Wells program


The implementation of the Kwihala Water Project under the Carina Water Wells program started on 20/04/2009, thanks to the Rotary Club of Maui for supporting it.

The planned activities are set to accomplish the following objective(s)

2.1. Development of one (1) water point for Kwihala Community with a view to ensure access to clean and safe water all year round.

2.2. Construct Rain Water harvesting system at Kwihala Primary School to cater for School Community

The overall project activities are geared towards ensuring that these outputs are realized.

3.1. Functional Rain Water harvesting system at Kwihala Primary School.

3.2. Operational Water Well at Kwihala Sub-village.


4.1. Planning meeting at organisation level prior embarking on the implementation at community level.’
At this stage the workable plans (work plans), were developed. The people involved were: Development coordinator, community extension worker, Project Officer, Accountant and the General Secretary.

4.2. Introduction Meeting at the community
Introduction of the project was done at the community on 20/04/2009, which brought about the Ward Councilor, village and Sub-village Chairmen, Community representatives, (male & female), school Head Teacher together with 3 representatives from Development Office.

4.3. Mobilization of materials
The materials for construction of the Water harvesting system were mobilized and sent to the site.
These include; Cement, aggregate, sand, weld mesh, etc.

4.4. Consultation with technicians
The technical personnel were consulted to work out on technical issues. All technical concerns were resolved and work scheduled to start.

4.5. The construction of the Rain Water tank
After realizing that all the necessary preparations were made, the construction started on 15/05/2009, which involved,

- Excavation of trench

- Weldmesh and chicken wire preparations.

- Actual construction of the tank using aggregates

4.6. Monitoring and supervision
The monitoring and supervision is on going to ensure compliance to the set standards in every activity.

5.0. PLANNED ACTIVITIES 25-31/05/2009
The following activities are planned to be accomplished during the week 25-31/05/2009.

5.1. Finishing of the Water tank construction

5.2. Fixing of the guttering and plumber work

5.3. Monitoring and supervision, this involving meeting with water committee to review the work done and plan for next week’s activities.

5.4. Conduct community meeting to resolve on the site for the well development before the Hydrogeological Survey is done

The very lesson that was learnt is that communities with their leadership are very cooperative and supportive to the project implementation.

The challenges experienced are that of the commodities price fluctuation. This is due to the global financial crisis which Tanzania is not exclusive.

The implementation is moving positively, and hoping to be accomplished in time. It is expected that by next week the rain water harvesting system will be completed.
The well development process will start immediately after the survey is done.
Report prepared by
Christopher M. M. Nyamwanji
Development Coordinator